Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Celebrating Sitcoms: Part 4 - Back to Gilligan's Island

In 1965, that popular hot spot known as Gilligan's Island welcomed a popular American rock band called The Mosquitoes, who showed up on the little island for a little rest and relaxation. The castaways thought that the motley group of mop-top musicians were their salvation and, at last, a way off the island. But The Mosquitoes (Bingo, Bongo, Bango, and Irving) weren't so willing to leave the peaceful island to return to the mainland.

So the castaways devised a scheme to get off the island, a scheme that involved music groups. The men's group couldn't carry a tune at all but the women, oh, how the women could sing! Mary Ann, Lovey Howell, and Ginger formed a group called The Honeybees and sang a most groovy and hip song called "You Need Us." So, sit back and listen to The Honeybees singing. And remember, a diamond needs a ring, a prisoner needs a cell, and a queen needs a king.

And two final things:

Members of the music group The Wellingtons played some of The Mosquitoes in this episode. During Gilligan's first season, The Wellingtons sang the series' theme song.

And I'd like to pose that age-old question to those reading this blog: so whose the hotter babe? Ginger or MaryAnn? Or maybe daffy Mrs. Howell?

Friday, March 13, 2009

Celebrating Sitcoms: Part 3 - The Flintstones

When Eric and I started dating back in October 1995, I mentioned to him about one of my all-time favorite episodes of the sixties animated sitcom, The Flintstones. It was an episode that Eric had never seen and he was a bit incredulous that the episode even existed and that perhaps it was all part of my fertile imagination. But then, one day, while we were in the local video store, I meandered through the family section and came across a collection of episodes of The Flintstones. And there it was! That elusive episode! So I rented it and that night, we holed up in my apartment, a very young Mulder cuddled between us, and watched the video.

So...what was so special about this episode? Well, the episode, titled "No Biz Like Show Biz" (which first aired in September 1965) was all about the Flintstones' daughter Pebbles and the Rubble's son Bamm-Bamm as the infants, who couldn't even talk, embarked on a music career. The episode was quite memorable and featured the infants singing a cute little ditty titled "Let the Sunshine In." And here's a clip of the little tykes singing that catchy tune. So check it out and sing along. And remember three important things, lessons that will make your lives much, much better:
  • Mothers never lose and fathers never win
  • When you are unhappy, the devil wears a grin
  • Just open up your heart and let the sunshine in!