Tuesday, July 14, 2009


In April 2003, just a few days shy of my 40th birthday, came news that would forever change my life: I was diagnosed with melanoma. Nonetheless, I was fortunate. First, my partner Eric noticed the lesion on the bottom of my foot and told me. (Due to surgeries, I am unable to see the bottom of my foot without the aid of a mirror.) Had Eric not seen the lesion and said something, there is a very good chance I wouldn't be here composing this page right now. Second, my melanoma was caught early. Now, six years have passed and the cancer has not returned.

I don't bemoan my circumstances and my diagnosis back in 2003. Rather, I'm truly grateful because it opened my eyes to the beauty, the fragility of life. It made me realize I need to pursue the dreams of my heart TODAY, not tomorrow. And that's what I've been doing. My diagnosis spurred me on to the dream that has always been on my heart: the desire to write. I've gone back to school, gotten my Master of Fine Arts in creative writing, gotten some fiction published, received and been nominated for writing awards, had over 30 arts and entertainment features published, written a play and a novel, started some new short stories, and begun work on a children's book. And, frankly, all because of my encounter with cancer in 2003.

My life has been enriched immeasurably. And I feel the need to give back. And what better way than the LIVESTRONG Challenge. So, this August, I'll be participating in the LIVESTRONG Challenge. My goal: complete the 10-mile bike ride. I'm stoked and can't wait!

To find out more and help support this cause, check here.

1 comment:

Aegletes said...

I love reading stories like yours, Robb. After all, they show how cancer can often spur each of us to action, not only to do things we never felt courageous enough to do, but also to reflect on how we can help others. I'm overjoyed and humbled that you've decided to join Team LOVEstrong of all the many teams at the Philly Challenge.